Publish Your Work

Whether it’s through reading or writing, we are all united by the transformative power of words! There’s nothing we love more than hearing new voices and fostering an exciting community of both established and budding writers.

Liberate Your Ideas

How It Works

To submit your writing to our team at Internet Scribes, simply complete the provided form and share your latest work with us. Each submission undergoes a thorough review process, where we thoughtfully select articles for publication that align with our core values and mission.

Review Process

After your submission, our review process commences. Please allow up to one week for a response regarding your submitted article. We kindly ask for your patience during this period and request that you hold off on sending follow-up emails until after the seven-day window has elapsed.

How You Get Paid

Once your work is accepted, we are delighted to provide you the opportunity to earn tips on your articles. Our team will reach out to you with details about our preferred tipping platform and then embed your personal tipping link at the end of your published article. We are also proud to affirm that we do not take any cut from your earnings.


Great job on completing your submission – you’ve just taken the first step towards gaining more exposure for your work! Please remember, this feature is accessible to everyone. However, as a Scribe member, you’ll benefit from priority review of your work.